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Post Burn Contractures & Scarring

Post Burn Contractures & Scarring, Burn trauma constitutes the second most common cause of trauma-related deaths after vehicular accidents, both in developing as well as the developed world. An extensive burn is the most devastating injury a person can sustain and yet hope to survive. Survival is no doubt the immediate concern, it is the restoration to pre-injury status, and return to society becomes important for the victim and the treating team.

A healed burn patient may be left with scars have varying degrees of functional and aesthetic components.

Post-burn scars

Post-burn scars are inevitable even with the best of treatment because they depend upon the depth of burn injury. Except for the superficial dermal burns, all deeper burns (2nd degree deep dermal and full thickness) heal by scarring. This scarring can only be minimised by various physical therapy measures and plastic surgical procedures but not eliminated completely. The appearance of even the best split-skin grafted areas and the donor sites of these grafts is also a “scar”.

Post-burn scar contractures

Burn scar contractures do not go away on their own, although may improve with the passage of time, with occupational therapy and physiotherapy, and with splinting. If persistent the person may need the contracture to be surgically released. Techniques may include local skin flaps (z-plasty) or skin grafting (full thickness or split thickness). There are also pharmacy and drug-store treatments that can be used to help scar maturation, especially silicone gel treatments. Consult Dr. Pratap Duggirala Best doctor for Post Burn Contractures.

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